Is there a link between ADHD and Psychopathy?

ADHD and Psychopathy

During my research, there were plenty of interesting articles relating psychopathy to mental disorders, specifically ADHD. However, there is no directly defined relationship between children with ADHD and those who are psychopaths because there is no defined “cut off point” for testing children with psychopathy. That being said, there are many similar characteristics between both such as hyperactivity, impulsivity and attention deficit and to this point it is believed that children with ADHD will not necessarily become psychopaths, but if children with ADHD experience misfortune, they are more likely to develop psychopathy. Contrary to this, some experts do not believe that psychopathy can be developed and psychopaths are born, not raised.

Despite differing opinions, children with ADHD are at higher risk of developing psychopathic traits in adulthood than children that do not have ADHD. However, if children with ADHD experience misfortune at younger ages they are more likely to exhibit these traits in adulthood.

It is interesting to not that percieved psycopathic offenders received ADHD three times more than those who were not psychopathic and this test was conducted using male sex offenders.

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